Launching Your Practice: Legal 101
David Saperstone David Saperstone

Launching Your Practice: Legal 101

Launching Your Practice: Legal Essentials For Solo Clinicians. This guide is meant to inform you of key components to consider when going into private practice.

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David Saperstone David Saperstone


If you’re a mental health professional in Massachusetts (or beyond), chances are this question has left you scratching your head. Maybe you tried to register your practice as an LLC, only to get a rejection.

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Duty to Warn
David Saperstone David Saperstone

Duty to Warn

What exactly is a “duty to warn”, when does it apply, and how do you know if it has been triggered? This will depend on who you ask, and what state you practice in. 

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BOI Reporting Update
Gilles Lubeth Gilles Lubeth

BOI Reporting Update

The US Court of Appeals has vacated its prior order allowing the CTA - and BOI Report filing - to carry on.

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